Interviu exclusiv: Linda Teodosiu


Provine dintr-o familie de artisti, a facut furori in Germania si, recent, a participat si la Festivalul de la Callatis. Ea este Linda Teodosiu, iar single-ul ei, “Reprogram my heart”, a ajuns number one in topurile de specialitate din mai multe tari europene. “Vine” astazi la noi intr-un nou interviu in exclusivitate.

1. How can you describe yourself both as an artist and a person?

Because my artistic life it’s just beginning I can only say that I want to learn as much as I can from persons with more experience then me. As a person I could describe myself like a very opened person, happy and very often chaotic :).

2. How the fact that you come from a family of musicians helped you in your career?

Oh, it was the most important thing. I dare to say that without them I would be a normal teenager.

3. What do you feel, at an early age, to be very famous in some of the most important countries?

First of all I am not very famous, but it’s a wonderful feeling to have so many people around me that admires me and want to know as much as possible about me, which are supporting me in the start of my career.


4. How important was for you the contest “Deutschland sucht den Superstar”? Can you consider it as a rocket launcher?

Very important and, yes, I can say it was a rocket launcher.


5. You’ve come to Romania again, for our national festival, Callatis. What have you felt of seeing half of your native origins again?

It is a joy for me every time cause I love Romanian state of mind and spirit.

6. Did you have the chance to get in touch with our artists until now? What is your opinion about our music industry here?

Yes I had the chance to work with some of them at the New Years Eve Party in Romexpo in 2007 and 2008. I love Romanian music and because I come often in Romania I’m always in touch with what’s new.
About Romanian music I can only say it’s getting better and better, and I’m very proud when I hear in Germany Romanian songs which are very loved and played by the public.

7. Regarding your single, “Reprogram my heart”, how can a guy reprogram Linda’s heart?

Now, nobody can reprogram my heart because I am very happy with my boyfriend Simon and I don’t want to change anything.


8. What artist can you consider your most important source of inspiration?

Definitely Christina Aguilera.

9. What do you think about a voice that can conquer all?

Again, without second thoughts Christina Aguilera.

10. What are your plans for the near future?

I’m promoting my new single and very soon I’ll start with the album promotion which will be released on 4 of September.

11. Share a message for all the Romanian people!

That’s hard……I think I would like to advice the teenagers to stop downloading illegal music from the Internet. They can not imagine what a big disadvantage they do to us.

Thank you, Linda!


Linda Teodosiu – "Love sux"


Linda Teodosiu este unul dintre exemplele care dovedesc ca un artist roman poate avea succes cu adevarat si in strainatate. A fost descoperita in cadrul concursului “Germania isi cauta Superstarul”, a ajuns sa vanda 50000 de unitati ale primului sau single in intreaga Europa si a avut onoarea sa cante in deschiderea concertelor faimoasei Beyonce. Noul sau single si videoclip se numeste “Love sux”. La modul in care evolueaza Linda va ajunge in curand sa concureze cu nume importante din industria muzicala americana.
