Test viteza de scris la tastatura

Hai sa vedem care scrie mai repede dar si corect :P

Eu am scris 78 de cuvinte.

Testează și tu să vezi cât de repede scrii la tastatură.

Nu uita sa-mi lasi si mie un scor.

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201 thoughts on “Test viteza de scris la tastatura”

  1. @kingquizz

    You reached 218 points, so you achieved position 74225 of 250909 on the ranking list

    You type 280 characters per minute
    You have 53 correct words and
    you have 0 wrong words

  2. You type 675 characters per minute
    You have 118 correct words and
    you have 3 wrong words

    E a treia incercare … la prima nu am folosit spatiu (deh, am zis si eu ca il ia automat), la a doua nu am salvat rezultatul , iar asta … e ultima :) super tare chestia, pana acuma habar nu aveam cat de repede scriu …

  3. Pff, 73 la a 4 incercare. Apoi m-au lasat nervi ca uitam cate un spatiu si se duce naiba toata treaba!

  4. You type 396 characters per minute
    You have 77 correct words and
    you have 0 wrong words :>

  5. You type 430 characters per minute
    You have 82 correct words and
    you have 0 wrong words

    recordul il am la 83 de cuvinte corecte si 1 gresit :D

  6. Parca mai bine de data asta decat inainte :P
    You type 542 characters per minute
    You have 101 correct words and
    you have 7 wrong words

  7. You reached 323 points, so you achieved position 168 of 2164 on the ranking list

    You type 438 characters per minute
    You have 84 correct words and
    you have 2 wrong words

  8. You reached 348 points, so you achieved position 347 of 7896 on the ranking list

    You type 471 characters per minute
    You have 91 correct words and
    you have 3 wrong words

    eu stau ceva mai binisor ;)

  9. You type 415 characters per minute
    You have 80 correct words and
    you have 1 wrong words

    din trei incercari .. am avut prima oara 71, apoi 74 si acum 80 .. dar m-am plictisit! Sunt curios cum ne descurcam si la unul cu diacritice :D

  10. You type 439 characters per minute
    You have 86 correct words and
    you have 1 wrong words

  11. You type 567 characters per minute
    You have 108 correct words and
    you have 1 wrong words

  12. l-am facut si yo,am facut 89 de cuvinte si 0 greseli,care nu ma crede ii dau print:))

  13. You reached 225 points, so you achieved position 2717 of 11365 on the ranking list

    You type 315 characters per minute
    You have 58 correct words and
    you have 1 wrong words

  14. You reached 183 points, so you achieved position 4209 of 11407 on the ranking list

    You type 325 characters per minute
    You have 59 correct words and
    you have 8 wrong words

  15. daca cineva mai citeste ce spun eu :) am si eu o intrebare Cum se numeste jocul acela tot de scris la tastatura doar ca era cu niste pesti .tu te scufundai si pe masura ce te apropiai de fund apareau pesti cu niste cuvinte scrise oe ei?

  16. You type 460 characters per minute
    You have 89 correct words and
    you have 0 wrong words

  17. You type 302 characters per minute
    You have 60 correct words and
    you have 0 wrong words

  18. Patricia si ce ai scris cu acele 43 de cuvine???…….imi poti raspunde cat mai repede?:-/:-/:-/

  19. You type 430 characters per minute
    You have 89 correct words and
    you have 0 wrong words

  20. You reached 624 points, so you achieved position 28 of 19227 on the ranking list

    You type 784 characters per minute
    You have 155 correct words and
    you have 0 wrong words

    155 de cuvinteSpeedtest

  21. :))))) cik 89 corecte si 0 gresite :))))))))))))))000
    43 cuvinte mai merege dar nu mai mult de 55 nu aveti cum intr-un minut

  22. :))))) cik 89 corecte si 0 gresite :))))))))))))))000
    43 cuvinte mai merege dar nu mai mult de 55 nu aveti cum intr-un minut
    You type 642 characters per minute
    You have 172 correct words and
    you have 1 wrong words

  23. You reached 339 points, so you achieved position 1858 of 25270 on the ranking list

    You type 441 characters per minute
    You have 91 correct words and
    you have 0 wrong words

    91 de cuvinte pe minut.. :P

  24. Ma intreb cati din cei care ati postat ati mintit sa va laudati :(
    You type 432 characters per minute
    You have 88 correct words and
    you have 0 wrong words

  25. Eu scriu 74 cuvine pe minut.
    You type 413 characters per minute.
    You have 74 correct words and
    you have 0 wrong words.

  26. You type 386 characters per minute
    You have 92 correct words and
    you have 3 wrong words

  27. You type 174 characters per minute
    You have 29 correct words and
    you have 5 wrong word

  28. Rezultatul meu:
    You type 565 characters per minute
    You have 108 correct words and
    you have 0 wrong words
    Succes !

  29. ooooooooou mama 118…
    ok dar am 25 de ani shy nu prea se pune…dar,, totushy kred k e foarte bun
    sekretul meu e sa nu ma uit la tastatura ci la cuvinte
    va urez mult norok:D:D:D:D:D:):):):):):):):)

  30. aaaaaaaaaaa si sa ma kredetzy
    isul meu e boss_jocker3333
    vb cu mn shy vedetzy kat de repede scryu:D:D:D:D::d

  31. You type 127 characters per minute
    You have 20 correct words and
    you have 1 wrong words

  32. You type 441 characters per minute
    You have 362 correct words and
    you have 2 wrong words

  33. You type 121 characters per minute
    You have 22 correct words and
    you have 1 wrong words

  34. You type 154 characters per minute
    You have 22 correct words and
    you have 4 wrong words


  35. ba ce dus e danutz eu am fakut 534cuvinte intrun minut :P

  36. reached 303 points, so you achieved position 555 of 4490 on the ranking list

    You type 426 characters per minute
    You have 75 correct words and
    you have 3 wrong words

  37. Rezultatul meu:
    You type 234.567.236.453.765.876.456.234.624.678.578.987.356.245.722.754.754.275.725.754.245.7684.847.846746878467468468 characters per minute
    You have 105.510.513.503.510.530.531.135.532.543.653.067.367.097.637.725.724.765.456.158 correct words and
    you have 0 wrong words

  38. You type 380 characters per minute
    You have 58 correct words and
    you have 4 wrong words

  39. You reached 319 points, so you achieved position 3122 of 32456 on the ranking list

    You type 412 characters per minute
    You have 80 correct words and
    you have 0 wrong words

  40. You reached 474 points, so you achieved position 97 of 16914 on the ranking list

    You type 621 characters per minute
    You have 113 correct words and
    you have 2 wrong words

  41. Extraordinar ! You reached 836 points, so you achieved position 60 of 16940 on the ranking list

    You type 54 characters per minute
    You have 212 correct words and
    you have 8 wrong words

  42. Sunt cel mai rapid din Romania !
    You reached 888 points, so you achieved position 56 of 16944 on the ranking list

    You type 61 characters per minute
    You have 210 correct words and
    you have 0 wrong words

  43. You type 89 characters per minute
    You have 79 correct words and
    you have 10 wrong words

  44. You type 406 characters per minute
    You have 77 correct words and
    you have 0 wrong words
    Bun :D

  45. You type 418 characters per minute
    You have 80 correct words and
    you have 0 wrong words

  46. Praf 52 cuvinte / minut …. Roxana cum sa faci 343 cuvinte /minut hai nu mai minti :O e imposibil nai cum doar sa ai 10 degete la o mana …
    You type 282 characters per minute
    You have 52 correct words and
    you have 1 wrong words

  47. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/688/looold.png/

    care depasiti 115 cuvinte, sunteti….akm sa nu aud ca e imposibil….aveti printu deci va rog sa lasati porcariile, gen ca ai editat si rahaturi destea….daca va zic ca am si 15 ani nu ma credeti….nici mie nu prea mi-a venit sa cred, dar uite ca e posibil…. si ma jur ca e absolut adevarat, nu este nimic falsat

  48. roxana, 343 , las-o moarta, aia chiar e imposibil, arata-mi si mie un print cu mcar 150 si esti …..biank la fel, 207 , se vede ca nu stiti sa mintiti deloc

  49. tot eu sunt.=))am vrut sa zic ca am 9 ani si am scris 10
    0 de cuvinte.:)):D

  50. scuze din nou. nu stiu ce am.:))
    am 9 ani si am scris 100 de cuvinte. gata:D

  51. 32 de cuvinte pe minut… nu pot sa cred cum de unii au sarit de 80 eh oricum cred cand o sa am 14 ani o sa fac in jur de 50 :) P.S am 12 ani :)

  52. Eu scriu cel mai mult 32 de cuvinte pe minut si am 10 ani si plus ca imi cresc unghiile in vacanta si scriu cu ele. Am incercat si cu degetele am scris 81 cel mai mult.

  53. 79….. si da… pot si mai mult… :) dar treaba e ca nu e fluid.. si trebuie sa dai enter de fiecare data…daca esti iute de mana cu tastatura intelegi ce vreau sa zic ;)

  54. 49 cuv,
    You reached 197 points, so you achieved position 6342 of 17927 on the ranking list

    You type 263 characters per minute
    You have 49 correct words and
    you have 1 wrong words

  55. You reached 468 points, so you achieved position 187 of 27461 on the ranking list

    You type 650 characters per minute
    You have 121 correct words and
    you have 4 wrong words

  56. You reached 448 points, so you achieved position 258 of 40388 on the ranking list

    You type 568 characters per minute
    You have 107 correct words and
    you have 0 wrong words
    destul de frumos testul :D din prima incercare

  57. …nu inteleg cum a scris 7stefan 117 cuvinte pe minut…abia am scris 99, am scris mai demult si 106 record personal dar chiar 117…

  58. eu numa dupa ce vin la scoala ma duc la biblioteca si dupaia vin acasa si ma joc pe caculator sau imi fac temele la ambele materiii .noi pe clasa a VI-a noi dam in fiecare ora numa teste

  59. Imi place testul de viteza chiar am inceput sa scriu putin mai repede decat cum o faceam inainte

  60. buna ziua .eu ma numesc valentina pertea. si am 10 ani si sunt o fata foarte frumoasa si sper sa va placa cat de repede scru ca eu scriu 100 de cunvinte pe 5min

  61. Words per minute (WPM) : 179
    Keystrokes 789
    Correct words 176
    Wrong words 3

  62. Ahh…apropo mai copii nu confundati cate litere ati scris cu cuvinte :P

  63. ba eu abea am facut 46 de cuv si mama cinuit de miau sarit capacele si ala cu maram 900 de cuv pe minut inseamana ca in degete are viteza lumini

  64. salut baieti si fetele :* eu scriu 51 de cuvinte in 30 de secunde darrrrrrrrr……………… celelalte 20 tot gresite le fac :)) nuj dc =)) si totusi am doar 13 ani

  65. Words per minute (WPM) 90
    Keystrokes 462
    (452 | 10)
    Correct words 66
    Wrong words 2
    You are better than 97.47% of all users (position 53 of 2099 – last 24 hours)

  66. amscris 23 de cuvinte pe minut. Nu stiu cum ceilalti au scris 117? Chiar si asa mult noroc la scris, dar eu nu inteleg
    trebuie sa ma uit la cuvinte dar sa si scriu la tastatura si este doar un minut:((

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